Saturday, January 7, 2012

Be More.

Here it is, the beginning of a new year again. The time of new hope that this will finally be your year, and putting last year behind you as you move forward. You may or may not make resolutions that that may or may not even make it past the first month. It could be to lose those extra ten pounds gained over the Christmas season or it could be to finally travel to that place you have always wanted to go. Whatever it is, there are always things holding us back.  I have stopped making resolutions, but instead have made goals for this year allowing myself grace. (One of which is to update this more)! So what are these things that hold us back?!

A friend of mine had heard of a 30 day challenge called the Live Dead Challenge that a few of us decided to do over break. This is pretty much a compilation of different missionaries writing on different topics on how to Live Dead with a different unreached people group to pray for each day. In the introduction to this challenge, you are asked to consider tithing two and a half hours of your time a day to spend time with Jesus...I am here to tell you this is hard! I only was able to average about an hour to an hour and a half while home and still struggle finding when to have the time. But that is not the point...I have learned a lot in the time that I have spent and even though I'm already on Day 27 there was one day that stood out to me the most and has become almost my motto for this year. The topic of the day: A Learning Heart: The Call to Be More.

"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15

To quote the missionary directly because he states it so well: "In a recent e-mail exchange with a close friend, I wrote, 'Man, when I grow up I want to be just like you.' He replied simply, 'Be more.' Be more? That's it! That's what Paul is telling Timothy. Be more. Laziness and lethargy are the twin, ugly stepsisters of our fallen nature. But, following Christ demands of us: 'Be more'!" When you throw intimidation into the mix of stepsisters you have quite a heavy mess holding you back from being more for God. But "the call to the nations demands it of us. We cannot escape the conviction that following Christ compels us to uncompromising excellence in our normal Christian lives...We never eclipse the need to be more for Him. It's a lifelong endeavor, a wonderful journey that He takes with us."

This "Be More" principle is the overlying goal for my new year, but I know it won't be easy because the battle of the triplets is a fight we live everyday against Satan. But Jesus is with us, and He gives us strength to "Be more." So how do you want to be more this year?!

"Discipline requires action." And to be more starts today. Good luck, my friends!