Friday, June 3, 2011

The First Few Steps.

Well friends, it has begun. Nine days staying at a castle in the middle of the Rocky Mts. with 66 of some of the coolest cats around all with the same passion for Jesus that I have!

I had never been to Glen Erie (Navigator headquarters) before, but always wanted to go. It's seriously such a great place to just be with God and lose track of time! (For real, check out the picture)! 

Isn't it amazing?! (Sorry, designer nerd moment). Anyways, among hiking, slack lining and jumping into a freezing cold basin of water, I learned not only a lot about my job for next year, but God really showed me a lot as well. Where to even begin?!

I think the biggest thing that happened while I was there was a perspective change. A perspective change about who I am and more importantly who I am to the Lord. I went to the summit with my heart and head in a completely different place, struggling with my worth (as most women do) and dealing with a lot of things especially in my heart. I felt inadequate and found myself comparing myself to others there. Like I have said before, I also don't do things alone, so I was questioning why God had me do this: alone, the only one from my school/not knowing anyone there.

God didn't let me feel alone for long! I rode out to CO with two amazing girls that I had never met before. These girls were great! They were very inviting and really sweet even though they didn't know me! We definitely were close by the end of two eight hr. car rides and nine days together going through the same experiences! One is even my prayer partner for our funding adventures this summer! God really gave me companionship with these girls so I wouldn't feel as alone going into a new situation. Love these girls and I am privileged to work with them in my region (more on that later) all year!!

Even within the first few days, God wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear: "You are worth it!" We studied how Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene (who used to be possessed by 7 demons) after He rose from the dead. The FIRST person, out of everyone who may have been more righteous than she, He decided to use her to tell everyone else. This sparked conversations among us about God using the least of these for his good works. Small, shepherd David not only killed a giant but was the next king of Israel. Esther was used to save an entire people. Mary, a mere teenager, bore the living Son of God. If these Biblical characters were worthy to be used, why couldn't I be used as well? This is my calling; God is going to use me; I am worthy to be used!

Another amazing thing that God did in CO was give each one of us on EDGE the encouragement to be able to get through our experiences together. Did I mention we have the largest EDGE class EVER!!! Staff have been praying for years that they have a class of 100. We are the closest with 86ish people. These people are amazing. Seriously. They are all great brothers and sisters in Christ, who were so open and vulnerable with each other that I felt like we all were pretty close by the end of just nine days. We will now all walk together towards the same goal: Jesus, on different campuses lifting each other in prayer. This year is going to be great!

KSU will have a great staff in and of itself. We will have four women on our staff this year. We haven't had a woman on staff for at least 2 1/2 years. How great is that?! We also will have five great Godly men on our staff to be great examples of brothers in Christ. This staff includes our full time staff, staff in training, and other EDGErs. The Heartland region (KSU, KU, UNL, ISU, NWMO) has one of the biggest team of EDGErs as well, which is great. I can't wait to work and walk with all these amazing people this year and to see how God uses each of us on our campus'! This picture doesn't even include the 2nd year EDGErs we will be working with!

Will you please pray that we remain encouraged and positive about funding our ministries for next year and that we continue to trust that God has a plan for us and will provide what we need for his plan?

I will leave you with something to think about. A quote from a NAVS staff wife, "We are ordinary people in love with an extraordinary God!"